
Stuart I. Teicher, Esq.

Stuart I. Teicher, Esq. is a professional legal educator who focuses on ethics law and writing instruction.   A practicing lawyer for 30 years, Stuart’s career is now dedicated to helping fellow lawyers survive the practice of law and thrive in the profession.   Mr. Teicher teaches seminars, provides in-house training to law firms and legal departments, provides CLE instruction at law firm client events, and also gives keynote speeches at conventions and association meetings.

Stuart helps lawyers get better at what they do (and enjoy the process) through his entertaining and educational CLE “performances”.  He speaks, teaches, and writes— Thomson Reuters published his book entitled, Navigating the Legal Ethics of Social Media and Technology.

Mr. Teicher is a Supreme Court appointee to the New Jersey District Ethics Committee where he investigates and prosecutes grievances filed against attorneys.  Mr. Teicher also served on the New Jersey Office of Attorney Ethics Fee Arbitration Committee. Mr. Teicher is an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown Law where he teaches Professional Responsibility, and he is an adjunct professor at Rutgers University in New Brunswick where he teaches undergraduate writing courses. He also taught legal writing at St. John’s University School of Law in New York City.

Tel: 732-522-0371

My Sessions

Keynote: Stuart I. Teicher, Esq.

Grand Ballroom EF

Something’s Gotta Give – Stuart Teicher thinks lawyers are at an ethical crossroads. Is it possible that the current rules are inadequate in the modern technological environment? Could there be — dare we say — a flaw in the application of the current code??!! Join the guy who calls himself “the CLE Performer” as he explores […]