Title: It’s Time to Stop Turning a Blind Eye and Take Control of Your Email
Speakers: Allison Shields, David Sparks
Date: Friday, March 17, 2017
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Track: Power Users
Attendee Profile: Everyone
No, email is not yet dead. As proof, take a look at your inbox. How many emails are piled up in there? Or, have you lost count? We’ve become slaves to our email, checking it from bed in the morning up until our last waking moment. And, yet, we still can’t seem to get it under control, causing us vast amounts of precious time lost. It’s time to start conquering email. This session will explore practical and proven strategies to help you prune your inbox without working 24/7, minimize your overall usage of email, and give you the piece of mind to take a break once and a while.