Title: E-Discovery from the Mobile to the Cloud to Social Media
Speakers: Amber Schroder, Andrew Hoog
Date: Friday, March 17, 2017
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Track: Modern E-Discovery
Attendee Profile: Everyone, In-House Counsel/Big Law, Litigator, Academic, Public/Government Lawyer, New Solo/Young Lawyer/Law School
E-Discovery has switched its focus from Predictive Coding and TAR to cloud computing, modern apps, and new platforms of social media. Questions arise as to where data is stored and who is responsible to produce it, where conversations reside on a mobile device, and whether it is possible to extract conversations and chats from SLACK and other highly used apps. This session will explore E-Discovery in its latest form and how to keep up with such possibilities for the discovery of electronic information.