Title: Beyond Encryption: Protecting Your Assets Everywhere and All the Time
Speaker: Shamla Naidoo
Date: Friday, March 17, 2017
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Track: Advanced IT
Attendee Profile: Everyone

It’s not just about securing communications. Physical assets need to be protected as well. Many attorneys know that encryption is one way to secure data, but what about other means of protecting mobile devices like smartphones and tablets? How can you secure access to data such as web-based e-mail? What is two-factor-authentication (2FA) and how do you use it? Our experts will instruct you in the proper way to enable encryption on your devices, properly set up 2FA and even consider other advanced security methods such as application whitelisting and multifactor authentication that exceed using two factors. Biometrics? Maybe yes, maybe no — come hear why.