Conference materials are available exclusively to ABA TECHSHOW 2020 registrants. You will be prompted for your ABA login to access these materials. Be sure to use the same login you used to register for ABA TECHSHOW.
Day 1:
Core Concepts | Next 20 | Human Skills | Recession Proof | Analytics/Data | Client Attraction | Litigation | Automation
Day 2:
Core Concepts | Next 20 | Lawyer Well-Being | Recession Proof | Artificial Intelligence | Client Experience | Cybersecurity | Un-Track for Doers
Day 3:
S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | 60 in 60
Thursday Tracks | February 27, 2020
Core Concepts Track:
Next 20
- Seeing is Believing: Virtual Reality Prepardness
Materials | Powerpoint
- Skills Building: Best Practices for Teaching Tech to Law Students
Materials | Powerpoint
- Innovation Foundation: Forward-Thinking Law School Curriculum
Materials | Powerpoint
- Tech Forward: New Jobs for New Lawyers
Materials | Powerpoint
Human Skills
Recession Proof
- Building a Niche Practice: Solutions to Unconventional Problems
Materials | Powerpoint
- You’re So Predictable: Subscription Legal Services
Materials | Powerpoint
- Keying into People: Solving Onboarding and Turnover with Intention and Tech
Materials | Powerpoint
- How to Create + Run a Virtual Law Practice
Materials | Powerpoint
- Picture This: Data Visualization for Lawyers
Materials | Powerpoint
- Buried Treasure: Hidden Analytic Tool in Your Practice
Materials | Powerpoint
- Survey Says: Can You Trust the Data?
Materials | Powerpoint
- Forecast-alytics: Understanding Litigation Analytics for Case Evaluation
Materials | Powerpoint
Client Attraction
Friday Tracks | February 28, 2020
Core Concepts Track:
Next 20
Lawyer Well-Being
Recession Proof
- Limited Scope, Unlimited Possibilities
Materials | Powerpoint
- Using Market Insights to Differentiate Your Practice
Materials | Powerpoint
- Using Data to Develop Your Law Firm Growth Strategy
Materials | Powerpoint
- How to Partner Like a Pro
Materials | Powerpoint
Artificial Intelligence
Client Experience
- Talking Heads: Using Video to Communicate with Clients
Materials | Powerpoint
- Power in Your Palm: Make Your Practice
Materials | Powerpoint
- Loving the Luddites: Serving Tech Averse Clients
Materials | Powerpoint
- Bespoked: What Design Thinking Can Bring to Your Practice
Materials | Powerpoint
- Bad Actors: The Year in Breaches
Materials | Powerpoint
- Red Pill vs. Blue Pill: How Deepfakes are Defining Digital Reality
Materials | Powerpoint
- Cloudy, With a Chance of Sanctions — or Success!
Materials | Powerpoint
- On PEN Tests and Policies: Firm Security Audits
Materials | Powerpoint
Un-Track for Doers
- World Cafe
Materials | Powerpoint
- Ignite (Pechakucha)
Materials | Powerpoint
- Closed Fishbowl
Materials | Powerpoint
- Speed Geeking
Materials | Powerpoint
Saturday Tracks | February 29, 2020
- Best Practices to Protect Your Firm From Financial Crime
Materials | Powerpoint
60 in 60