Conference materials and PowerPoints for ABA TECHSHOW 2016 will be made available here exclusively to ABA TECHSHOW 2016 registrants as we receive them from speakers. If you do not see a session linked yet, the materials/PowerPoints will be posted soon. 


DAY 1: Fundamentals of Microsoft Office | Mac N Law | Starting Up/Starting Over | Cybersecurity and Privacy | The Productive and Efficient Lawyer | Promoting & Managing Your Practice | Tech Grab Bag | Legal Technology 2020

DAY 2: Mastering Existing Technology | Visual Presentations | Tech Fundamentals & How To… | E-Discovery | Advanced IT | Tech Beyond Walls | The Law of Technology | Legal Technology 2020

Day 3: Mobile Apps | TECHSHOW Take Aways | Outlook Encore | 60 Tips, Tricks, Gizmos, Gadgets and Sites in 60 Minutes

Thursday Tracks – March 17, 2016

Fundamentals of Microsoft Office Track

Mac N Law Track

Starting Up/Starting Over Track

Cybersecurity and Privacy Track

The Productive and Efficient Lawyer Track

Promoting & Managing Your Practice Track

Tech Grab Bag Track

Legal Technology 2020 Track

Friday Tracks – March 18, 2016

Mastering Existing Technology Track

Visual Presentations Track

Tech Fundamentals & How To… Track

E-Discovery Track

Advanced IT Track

Tech Beyond Walls Track

The Law of Technology Track

Legal Technology 2020 Track

Saturday Tracks – March 19, 2016

Mobile Apps Track

TECHSHOW Take Aways Track

Outlook Encore Track

60 Tips, Tricks, Gizmos, Gadgets and Sites in 60 Minutes

Previous Conference Materials & PowerPoints

2015 | 2014 | 2013